Michigan Business Insurance: Optimizing for Mobile Use


Michigan Business Insurance: Optimizing for Mobile Use

Mobile is the future. Smartphones, tablets and other hand held devices have made it easier for consumers to access the internet.  According to Google’s Head of Mobile Advertising Jason Spero, mobile search has quadrupled in the past year and “roughly one in seven searches are happening on a mobile phone.”

Many businesses are ahead of the game; they already have mobile websites up and running.  There are still a number of businesses that believe going mobile isn’t important, but statistics say otherwise.  Each year the number of mobile device purchases is increasing.  Consumers have utilized mobile devices to perform myriad activities.  These activities include; gaming, social networking, blogging, navigating, budgeting expenses, shopping and reading.

But simply creating a mobile version of your existing website isn’t enough for consumers—they want more.  They have new expectations and businesses are trying to meet these demands.  After surveying 5,000 smartphone/tablet users, Keynote Systems Inc. found that the most common complaints include slow loading times and web sites that aren’t specifically optimized for the web.

Lets address a few of these issues.

Due to the considerably smaller size of a mobile device, business should be particular in their websites design and content.  When deciphering what content needs to be included, remember that mobile users are often on the go, they don’t have time to read lengthy paragraphs. Relevant information is the only thing that should be the only content on your mobile website.  Whether a consumer is searching for reviews on local restaurants or purchasing a new outfit, they want the process quick and easy. When designing your website, be sure to look into a responsive design.

Key features of a mobile website or app include the following:

  • User Friendly Interface
  • Call to Action
  • Simple and Appealing Design
  • Simple Navigation
  • Clean and Simple Code
  • Escape Hatch

Features to avoid include the following:

  • Multiple Windows
  • Excess Scrolling
  • Flash
  • Large Images

At Capital Insurance, our agents are trained specialists in all types of Michigan business insurance. We have the expertise to understand your needs and can design a program that allows you to get the most for your insurance dollar.

We’ve worked with a broad spectrum of businesses, including contractors, property owners, distributors, manufacturers and service providers.

Whatever your need for business insurance in Michigan, call us at 888-296-0418.

